The Future of Cybersecurity

October 19, 2023
10:00 am to 1:00 pm ET
Virtual Event

Financial services firms know all too well that cybersecurity threats are continually growing in power and sophistication. To counter those threats, cybersecurity teams and initiatives need to stay continually focused on the future: Only by putting in place forwardlooking defenses can they stay protected.

Session Details

This event focuses on the cybersecurity strategies, technologies, and practices that will help financial firms fight the “next war” in cybersecurity—the one that’s just over the horizon.

Presentation Topics Covered
  • Zero Trust Security
  • Quantum computing and cryptography
  • Blockchain protection
  • Protecting the Metaverse
  • Cybersecurity automation, ML, AI
  • Advanced predictive analytics
  • Mobile protection
  • Third-party risk management
  • Cloud workload protection
  • Application security testing
  • Collaboration security
  • Data protection
  • API Security
Panel Abstract

This panel of industry experts discusses how the threat landscape (and regulatory environment) is growing and changing, and shares best practices on how to adapt to these changing environments. We discuss emerging cybersecurity technologies and their potential impact on financial services firms, as well as how SecOps needs to adapt to help firms confront emerging challenges.

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10:00am – 10:05am

WSTA Introductions

Swamy Kocherlakota | EVP & Chief Information Officer, S&P Global

Swamy Kocherlakota is the Chief Information Officer for S&P Global and is responsible for driving the digital transformation and delivering productivity improvements for our customers and employees.

Prior to S&P Global, Mr. Kocherlakota was SVP, Global Head of Technology Operations & Infrastructure at Visa, Inc. where he oversaw global infrastructure and applications that processed over 130 billion transactions annually. Before VISA, he was at BNY Mellon as the head of Global Infrastructure Engineering and Architecture and led their infrastructure transformation. Mr. Kocherlakota holds the recognition of being a distinguished engineer at Lucent Bell Labs where he managed technology for Lucent and its ventures.

Mr. Kocherlakota is a NASD registered representative and has a PhD in Computer Science from the Michigan State University.

10:05 AM - 10:20 AM

Industry Perspectives | Ready or Not: Tomorrow’s Cybersecurity Threats and You

Johna Till Johnson | CEO and Founder, Nemertes

Johna Till Johnson, CEO of Nemertes and content committee chair for the WSTA, is known for her roles as an Engineer, Adventurer, Researcher, and Storyteller. Johna holds a BS/EE from The Johns Hopkins University and conducted research in the PhD program in particle physics at the University of Rochester. She has designed embedded security systems for banks, run the lab testing program at Data Communications Magazine, and led research and development as Chief Technology Officer at Greenwich Technology Partners, a global engineering firm. At Nemertes, the research-advisory firm she founded in 2002, her focus includes cybersecurity, AI, quantum computing, and emerging technologies. Johna is widely-published at organizations including the Defense Tactical Information Center (DTIC), Business Communications Review, Electronic Design, and TechTarget. A long-time adventurer, she has completed several 300-mile solo kayak and sailing expeditions and sea races. 


Is your organization ready for the cybersecurity threats of 2024 and beyond? What fundamental challenges should cybersecurity professionals anticipate, plan for, and address—before they impact the business? How will AI, quantum computing, nation-state actors and other forces evolve to create a never-before seen threat universe, and what should cybersecurity professionals do about them?

This presentation provides a “playbook for the future” for cybersecurity professionals seeking to raise their organizations’ maturity levels and prepare effectively for what’s to come.

10:20am – 10:40am

Incident Readiness and Response: What Do We Do When The Bad Guys Get In?

Jono Gray | Director, Enterprise Services Management – Northeast USA, Fortinet

Technology Support and Services Professional for nearly 30 years. At Fortinet since early 2017, helping Enterprise customers achieve the most positive outcomes through positioning of Support and Services Strategies, Advanced Support, Professional Services and Enterprise Agreements.


We all work tirelessly to help ensure our organizations, data, infrastructure and customers are safe from cyber threats.  We have people, processes, technology and tools to deliver those positive outcomes.  So, what happens when there’s a breach?   Incident Readiness and Response is becoming more and more critical for the Enterprise, as we seek not only to protect on the front end, but be ready to respond when needed.

The audience should gain useful visibility into the proactive mindset of improving their organization’s current security posture, and be well prepared for a security incident.

10:40am – 11:00am

Why AI is Exploding Now & What to Expect in the World Of Cyber

Grant Asplund | Growth Technologies Evangelist, Check Point

For more than 25 years, Grant Asplund has been sharing his insights on how businesses can best protect themselves from sophisticated cyber-attacks in an increasingly complex world. As Check Point’s chief evangelist, he travels the world enthralling audiences with his passionate and relational storytelling at conferences like RSA and Next100 CIOs and numerous media interviews. Grant’s wide range of cyber security experience informs his talks, having served in diverse roles ranging from sales, marketing, business development, and senior management for Dome 9, Blue Coat Systems, Neustar, and Altor Networks. As CEO of MetaInfo, he led its acquisition by Neustar. Grant is the host of the CISO Secrets podcast ( and the Talking Cloud Podcast ( on Cloud security.


In this presentation, we’ll explore the current state of cybersecurity and delve into the emerging threats that organizations and individuals face. Join us as we discuss the latest solutions available to address these challenges and the role of AI and Machine Learning in shaping the future of cybersecurity. Together, let’s navigate the complex world of cybersecurity and examine its impact on society. Finally, we’ll explore the challenges we face in achieving our cybersecurity goals and conclude with key takeaways for a secure future.

11:00am – 11:20am

Complete Cyber Resilience

Vincent Piazza | Cloud Security & Resiliency GTM, Rubrik

Vincent Piazza leads the Security Product Sales & Go-to-Market for the Northeast region at Rubrik. He’s a part of the RX growth team, which incubates new and innovative products that Rubrik adds to their portfolio. Vince is Certified in Cybersecurity from ISC2, and has nearly 10 years of enterprise software experience.


Rubrik, the leader in data protection and cyber recovery, has a unique line of sight into the challenges and concerns the modern CISO faces. In fact, over 90% of CISOs have the same priority currently – visibility at each point in the enterprise data lifecycle, and what steps they can take to reduce exfiltration risk. During this session, you’ll learn about the scale of this challenge in today’s enterprise, and the importance of implementing a proactive data security practice, especially in financial services.

11:20am – 11:40am

Treat Your Data Like It’s Currency

Dale "Dr. Z" Zabriskie | Field CISO, Cohesity

Known for his ability to communicate both technically and conceptually in an authoritative yet entertaining style, Dale “Dr. Z” Zabriskie has consulted with IT professionals across the globe, advising on implementing effective cyber security strategies. He is a CISSP and certified in CCSK.

In his 20-year cybersecurity career, Dr. Z has advised major healthcare, public sector, finance, retail, entertainment, and manufacturing organizations in over fifty countries. His expertise is supported by career experience in information technology, regulatory compliance, research and development, marketing, and sales.


You’ve heard that “data is the new oil”. More accurately, “data is your currency”. It gives you the ability to conduct business. Mismanage it and there can be serious consequences. Lose it and you lose your business. With your “bills” spread across your environment, managing and protecting the “money” can be a monumental task. $100s, $50s, $20s, $10s, $5s, and lots of $1s are strewn about. Knowing where your most valuable bills are is foundational to any data security process. This session will examine the impact of placing appropriate controls to protect your most important business asset: your data.

11:40am – 12:00pm

Break – Visit the Resource Rooms and Network with Attendees

12:00pm – 1:00pm

The Future of Cybersecurity: Protecting Against Tomorrow’s Threats, Today

Panel Abstract

This panel of industry experts discusses how the threat landscape (and regulatory environment) is growing and changing, and shares best practices on how to adapt to these changing environments. We discuss emerging cybersecurity technologies and their potential impact on financial services firms, as well as how SecOps needs to adapt to help firms confront emerging challenges.

(Moderator) Johna Till Johnson | CEO and Founder, Nemertes

Johna Till Johnson is the CEO & Founder of Nemertes Research, an 18-year old research-advisory firm specializing in the business impact of emerging technologies. Ms. Johnson spearheads Nemertes’ security and risk management practice, where she works with Fortune 200 financial services, manufacturing, utility, and other leading organizations.

Ms. Johnson’s career in information security began more than 25 years ago when, as a young engineer, she developed security products for Mosler Security Systems. In the early 1990s, she ran the lab-testing program at Data Communications Magazine, which uncovered vulnerabilities in the then-novel RSA two-factor authentication system. In the mid-1990s, Ms. Johnson ran the Global Networking Strategies Service at the META Group, which included META’s security and risk management offering. Subsequently, she served as the Chief Technology Officer overseeing the security practice for Greenwich Technology Corp., a global consulting and engineering firm that developed and implemented leading-edge security architectures for financial services firms and other global organizations.

Jono Gray | Director, Enterprise Services Management – Northeast USA, Fortinet

Technology Support and Services Professional for nearly 30 years. At Fortinet since early 2017, helping Enterprise customers achieve the most positive outcomes through positioning of Support and Services Strategies, Advanced Support, Professional Services and Enterprise Agreements.

Guruprasad Ramamoorthy | VP, Global Head of Network Architecture, Engineering & Operations, S&P Global

Guruprasad Ramamoorthy is the Global Head of Network Architecture, Engineering & Operations at S&P Global. He has been with the company since 2017 and is a hands-on technology executive with a unique blend of Product Development, Digital Infrastructure, End User Computing and Cybersecurity experience.

Guruprasad is responsible for plan-build-run functions of the global network that spans across 80+ offices, 10+ on-premises Data Centers and 4+ multi-cloud environments. He also leads various enterprise-wide initiatives to rapidly transform S&P Global’s core infrastructure to software-defined, re-imagine the edge infrastructure and strengthen the cybersecurity.

Guruprasad represents the company’s commitment to develop talent to deliver new insights, accelerate the speed of operations and value delivery for customers while establishing S&P Global as the most innovative company. To achieve this, he works closely with the global leaders to enable S&P Global’s product and systems with the help of 1000 + technology associates.

In his previous role, Mr. Guruprasad was responsible for building S&P Global’s Technology center of excellence in India from ground-up while attracting the best talent in the region. The site in India was purpose-built to facilitate innovation by providing employees with access to latest technologies and infrastructure, as well as physical spaces that enable highly collaborative teams.

Guruprasad has about 18 years of experience. He was previously associated with companies such as Visa, BNY Mellon and Sify Technologies. He has a Master’s in Business Administration and Bachelor’s in Information Technology.

1:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Location Details

This is a virtual event powered by Webex Events (formerly Socio). Registered Attendees will be provided a login link to access the event site.